Please cite:
Schudoma et al.,
Nucl. Acids Res. 38: 970-980.
DOI 10.1093/nar/gkp1010.
'8-Segment pdb2j281B.i1835-1844
Source: [PDB-id:chain] 2j28:B (&rarr PDB)
Source: Information MODEL OF E. COLI SRP BOUND TO 70S RNCS
Source: Compound 23S RIBOSOMAL RNA
Source: Resolution 8.00 ANGSTROMS.
Position (1835, 1844)
Primary structure ('_': anchors) _UAAUUGAU_
Bases with unusual sugar puckers
(Standard: C3'-endo)
6: C4'-exo, 7: C4'-exo
Bases with unusual glycosidic-bond configuration
(Standard: anti)
Tertiary structure: Stacked bases
# Position 1 Position 2 Stacking direction
1 1 2
2 3 4
3 4 5
4 8 9
Tertiary structure: Base-pairs
(anchor pairs)
Downloads Atom coordinates (PDB format)
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3D Structure Structure Graph
Structural Clusters